Happy SPD Week: Expressing Gratitude

Happy Sterile Processing Week!

In preparation for this exciting week, we spoke with a variety of leaders in sterile processing departments across the country. We asked for their secret recipe for making their staff feel appreciated and valued. They were more than willing to share the little things they do each day to show their staff just how much they care.

You are responsible for the atmosphere in your department. Accept and cherish this role, and make the effort to create a workplace your team looks forward to arriving at. According to a recent Forbes article*, “Team members who feel respected and appreciated where they work are inherently more productive.”

So let’s start acting like every week is Sterile Processing Week! Use the following techniques to show your staff how much they are valued:

  1. Tell Them — A simple thank you or good morning can go a long way. It feels good to be acknowledged!
  2. Observe Body Language — Most of us spend more time with our work family than our real family. Start to learn more about each other. Know how someone behaves when they are at the top of their game, recognize when they are feeling down, then support and encourage them as they work their way back up.
  3. Listen — Create an environment where staff feel comfortable coming to you with their concerns. Set aside time to meet with them, invite them into your office, and stop for an extra moment as you’re passing through the department to check in 1-on-1.
  4. Celebrate Together — Everybody likes food! Find opportunities to have treats in the break room and accolades posted in the department.
  5. Have Empathy — You were probably a technician at one point too. Remember what it was like and put yourself in their shoes on a regular basis. Remember the leaders that helped you along the way. It’s time to pay it back!
  6. Involve Them — Share the “why” behind your decisions and ask for their opinions or feedback. It might not change your mind, but it will open a dialogue and give them a better understanding of why you do what you do. When issues come up, work together to identify solutions. You might be surprised how much you can learn from your team.
  7. Have Fun! — It might sound corny, but people like it when you make work fun. Take a break and play a game, host trivia throughout the day, give prizes for guessing how many trays will be processed through Decon this week, etc. It’s good to take your mind off the chaos for a minute.
For more information about this topic, contact us or click the links below to read more about it!

*Source: If You Want To Be More Productive At Work, Get Happy


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