Maintenance Matters

The main message from last month was: a well-structured software system is a must-have. But that is only part of the puzzle. You need to have a plan in place to maintain a high standard of data integrity. The easiest way to make sure your database stays clean is to manage how the information enters the system. The Ascendco Data Team recommends having:

  • Dedicated person or role to check and evaluate the system periodically
  • Defined rules for adding new info to the system
  • Dashboards to review where you have holes in the data
  • Corrective action alerts

Technology, along with subject matter experts, should be leveraged to complete data cleanup initiatives and to sustain the results. The industry standard for data cleanup has long been a robust manual process that requires many hours, days, often years to complete. By using software to evaluate holes and inconsistencies in the information, a targeted and systematic approach to clean up and maintenance can take place. And at a much faster pace.

Next month we will dive into all of the great benefits that come along with clean data!

For more information about this topic, contact us or click the links below to read more about it!

Data needs to be constantly monitored, updated, and maintained.

Data needs to be constantly monitored, updated, and maintained.

A large part of managing clean tracking data is the careful maintenance of your standardized tray names.